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This one I heard from a friend.

A bank robber is at the head of the line in a bank. He pulls out a gun and demands money from the teller. She gives it to him and he turns around and looks at the guy behind him in line. “Did you see that?” he asks. The guy says “Well, yes I did. You just robbed the bank.” So the robber shoots him.

Then he notices the couple who had been standing behind the dead guy. “Did you see that?” he asks the man. “No,” the man says, “but my wife did.”

Newest Sites:

Here are some of our newest websites:

Michael A. Glassberg – We created the website for this Long Island attorney who recently opened his own practice in estate planning, elder law, personal injury and commercial litigation.

Manhattan Parking Group – We completely redesigned the website for this company that owns and operates 65 parking garages and lots throughout the Greater New York Metropolitan area. Special thanks to Shari Goldstein Peyser who did the writing.

R2OC – “R2OC” stands for Reducing Risk on Campus. We built this Flash website for Carolyn Wolf, a leading expert in campus violence. The site was designed by Jeroen Bours, the advertising executive credited with the MasterCard “priceless” campaign.

NI Research – We redesigned the website for this state-of-the-art research firm specializing in reporting on psychopharmaceuticals. We streamlined the look and navigation to give it a sleeker, more modern style.

Catherine Schmitt – We built the website for this stylish commercial sculptor who, after a successful commercial art career, has begun focusing on her Fine Art sculpture.

Anne Rettenberg LCSW – We created the website for this psychotherapist who treats depression, anxiety disorders, trauma-related problems, impulse control disorders, relationship issues, and anger problems.

Site Statistics:

One of the things many clients ask me is “How do I know how many people are visiting my website?” Also, “How do they find my site?” and “What do they do when they get there?” These and many other questions can be answered by a good statistical reporting package. There are many available, ranging from the rudimentary free reports from GoDaddy to sophisticated tools like Traffic Facts (also from GoDaddy, for a price).

One of the best free packages out there is Google Analytics. Google offers many tools for website owners. Some, such as Adwords, cost money. But Google Analytics is free and at that price, you can’t beat it. It doesn’t take long to set up. I can do it for you in under an hour. If you’re interested, let me know.

To get an overview of Google Analytic’s features, click here for a tour.  (Make sure your computer speakers are turned on.)

Humor – How I met my wife

(by Jack Winter; originally published July 25, 1994 – The New Yorker)

It had been a rough day, so when I walked into the party I was very chalant, despite my efforts to appear gruntled and consolate.

I was furling my wieldy umbrella for the coat check when I saw her standing alone in a corner. She was a descript person, a woman in a state of total array. Her hair was kempt, her clothing shevelled, and she moved in a gainly way.

I wanted desperately to meet her, but I knew I’d have to make bones about it since I was travelling cognito. Beknownst to me, the hostess, whom I could see both hide and hair of, was very proper, so it would be skin off my nose if anything bad happened. And even though I had only swerving loyalty to her, my manners couldn’t be peccable. Only toward and heard-of behavior would do.

Fortunately, the embarrassment that my maculate appearance might cause was evitable. There were two ways about it, but the chances that someone as flappable as I would be ept enough to become persona grata or a sung hero were slim. I was, after all, something to sneeze at, someone you could easily hold a candle to, someone who usually aroused bridled passion.

So I decided not to risk it. But then, all at once, for some apparent reason, she looked in my direction and smiled in a way that I could make heads and tails of.

I was plussed. It was concerting to see that she was communicado, and it nerved me that she was interested in a pareil like me, sight seen. Normally, I had a domitable spirit, but, being corrigible, I felt capacitated — as if this were something I was great shakes at — and forgot that I had succeeded in situations like this only a told number of times. So, after a terminable delay, I acted with mitigated gall and made my way through the ruly crowd with strong givings.

Nevertheless, since this was all new hat to me and I had no time to prepare a promptu speech, I was petuous. Wanting to make only called-for remarks, I started talking about the hors d’oeuvres, trying to abuse her of the notion that I was sipid, and perhaps even bunk a few myths about myself.

She responded well, and I was mayed that she considered me a savory character who was up to some good. She told me who she was. “What a perfect nomer,” I said, advertently. The conversation became more and more choate, and we spoke at length to much avail. But I was defatigable, so I had to leave at a godly hour. I asked if she wanted to come with me. To my delight, she was committal. We left the party together and have been together ever since. I have given her my love, and she has requited it.

Newest Sites:

Here are some of our newest websites:

Artisan Photo Restoration – We created this website for this talented photographic restorer. You’ll be amazed at some of the examples on the site.

The Cotton Bride – This fully Flash-based website was created by Nexxite to present an exciting, high-tech look at the beautiful dresses made by this designer.

Ladine Arnold Art – A testament from his daughters to their late father, the artist, Ladine Arnold.

RSVP Designs – This stationery store offers high-end invitations and stationery for all special occasions. We designed a site that matches the quality of the invitations they sell.

Peggy Gifford – The website for fans of Moxy Maxwell, children’s book star. Peggy Gifford is the author and looks forward to communicating with her young readers.

Forms, Forms, Forms:

Have you heard of Web 2.0? Or even Web 3.0? The idea of these concepts is that the Internet has evolved from a one-way environment like a newspaper into a far more interactive, worldwide community, i.e., one with lots of two-way communication. The proliferation of blogs, forums, chat rooms and entities like MySpace, YouTube and FaceBook all point to a busy, interactive place. As the Internet becomes more interactive, many of you have been asking about ways for your clients and customers to interact online.

One way, perhaps the simplest, is via forms. Forms provide a way for visitors to your site to contact you with specific information, questions or ideas. You can conduct surveys, collect demographic information, or ask for new ideas for your business or your website. In short, you can make your site more interactive for your visitors and more beneficial to you.

We have recently set up a new service on the Nexxite website that utilizes a form. The new service is a special offer to create $99 websites for people selling their homes. If you are interested in seeing the form, go to

And of course, if you are interested in selling your home without a broker and saving lots of money, how about a single property website from Nexxite, for $99? Brokers too may be interested in this service.


In a recent issue of Nexxiting News, we listed actual ads that Should Have Been Proofread. They were such a hit that we thought we would give you something similar. This time, news items that also should have been proofread…

  • Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over
  • Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Experts Say
  • British Left Waffles on Falkland Islands
  • Teacher Strikes Idle Kids
  • Clinton Wins Budget; More Lies Ahead
  • Plane Too Close to Ground, Crash Probe Told
  • Miners Refuse to Work After Death
  • Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant
  • Include Your Children When Baking Cookies
  • Stolen Painting Found by Tree
  • Two Sisters Reunited after 18 Years in Checkout Counter
  • War Dims Hope for Peace
  • Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers
  • Iraqi Head Seeks Arms
  • Prostitutes Appeal to Pope
  • Man Struck by Lightning Faces Battery Charge
  • New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group

Breaking News: Google May Buy GoDaddy

There is a rumor that Google, with their seemingly infinite resources, may buy the popular domain registrar and webhosting company, GoDaddy. This is a logical acquisition for Google, which has been purchasing Internet companies lately at a rate of one per week. GoDaddy would give Google access to the largest issuer of domain names in the world. The only obstacle might be anti-trust regulations.

Many of our clients have their domains registered at GoDaddy and many have their sites hosted there as well. Will this potential acquisition change anything? We don’t know and we hope not. Our experience with GoDaddy has been nothing but positive. So stay tuned. We will monitor the developments and let you know if it occurs and it there is any impact to our clients.