Some Free (or Almost Free) Ways to Market Your Business

I’m often asked “What else can be done to market my business on the Internet?” Whether you’re an independent consultant, an artist on a shoestring budget or a large and growing law firm, every enterprise can use free marketing ideas to promote their brand, products, or services.

Here is a list that Ken Lyons pulled together of 63 free (or almost free) marketing tips and tactics that any business can use to generate publicity, buzz, and awareness. Below, I will list just five, but the other 58 can be found here.

  1. Find bloggers to review your products. Use simple query operators, such as “[your product type] + reviews [or] review” (e.g., “lingerie reviews”), to locate promotional review opportunities for your product offerings. You can also use free link building tools from Buzzstream to generate prospecting queries.
  2. Similar to leveraging product reviews for free promotion, mine the search results for bloggers who host product giveaways, using simple query operators, such as “[your product type] + giveaway” (e.g., “charm necklace giveaway”).
  3. Hold a sweepstakes, contest, or a giveaway on your site, promote it on your site, and on your social media accounts for some free buzz.
  4. Pool proprietary data from your organization’s niche, industry, or even customer database (get customer consent and anonymize the data, of course) and compile it into a free report, like the HubSpot State of Inbound Marketing Report or the Veracode State of Software Security Report.
  5. Author and publish guest posts on high profile or well-trafficked sites in your niche. It’s a great way to promote both your brand and your expertise. Free guest blogging communities, like My Blog Guest and Guest Blog It, are a good starting point.

And there are many more, but the above can get you started. Best of luck!

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